Saturday, April 22, 2017

Bring The High Court Back to Order!

While some forms of Democracy can be easily identified as Communism, Nazism, Fascist Socialism, and other forms of government which can lead to outright dictatorial control, Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Fidel Castro, and other examples come to mind. We have no Kings, nor Dictators. We pledge allegiance to the flag and to the Republic for which it stands. But not to the High Court nor the President.

Unlike the Hebrews under Moses, we are not a Theocratic form of government. Like unto the early Israelites who rejected God as their king, because like unto their neighbors, they wanted wanted a man to be their king.  God gave them Saul and later David as their monarch, Though we have not a monarchy over us..  We too have rejected God from our schools and changed his laws which he gave us via Moses.

Like the demons in Greece who practiced Democracy, they appointed and adored their own Gods, which they made of stone and marble, and as such made their own laws through their senate and representatives. We too make our own laws, but based upon our Constitution which itself is based mostly upon the laws of Moses as meagerly understood by wayward Protestant Christians, which ensures via our electoral college, that no Demons can institute a Democratic Dictatorship here in the USA. Now they scream to get rid of the Electoral College, which has impeded their progress. If they succeed then the Constitution itself would hang in the balance.
When the Israelites rejected God as their king, they too began to make their own laws and rejected Gods law.  Eventually, instead of blessing them, God sent the Assyrians to punish the Israelites. Then he sent the Greeks, the Persians and the Romans.  Most recently he sent Adolph Hitler and just look at what he did.  The Romans wiped out both Israel and early the Church of Jesus Christ, and adopted the church to the needs of its own empire and established the great and abominable church of Rome. The original church of Jesus Christ  simply  disappeared off the face of the earth.  Canaan continued to be occupied by some of its original inhabitants known as Philistines, now known as Palestinians whom the Israelites under Joshua, and Moses, had been commanded to annihilate see Deut: 20;16-18.  Yet again, they failed to obey God,  in spite of what they suffered at the hands of Egypt and other nations.  Under Adolph Hitler, they were severely punished again, and continue to suffer in their native land of Israel, mainly because of those Philistines still living in what they want called Palestine, formerly Canaan, or Israel.  Take your pick. Yet one can see that God has begun to keep his promise to Abraham concerning the Israelites.
Now as to the great US: Though our laws are based upon Judeo Christian principals and there are statues of Moses in many public buildings in and around WA DC, we have begun to kick God out of our schools since 1948, and out of our courts and public assemblies.  How then can we claim “In God we trust”?  Are we such hypocrites?  Why do we, as so called Christians, allow this to happen?  Are we totally uninformed as to the powers granted to us under the 10th amendment?  Using the 10th amendment; We the people can recall those chief Justices who passed their opinions as unconstitutional law. They have no authority granted them from the people to enact any laws.  Those Law enacting powers are specifically dealt with in the constitution.  Those justices need to be tried and convicted as lifelong felons who have tyrannically usurped their authority and infringed the constitution which they swore to uphold.  They need to serve out their time without parole with hard labour or choose to be executed.
Now as to this lady Kim Davis, who so firmly claimed that she was obeying God’s commandments and of whom we Christians are so rightly proud, be aware that she was also obeying the law of KY as voted upon by the people of that State. The opinion expressed by the Supreme Court justices is not law.  They have no legal constitutional authority to enact any new law. Amendment 10 again applies.  She needs to sue for wrongful arrest and detention. She has broken no law.
She may have indeed broken God’s law on more than one occasion, but then who among us has not? The face of Christianity is one of sinners repenting and endeavouring to walk in the light of God’s love. Our hearts swell with joy that she has chosen to support God in this attack upon our Christian liberties. God guided our forefathers who wrote the 1st amendment into our Bill of Rights: To protect our Freedom of Choice.

Our 50 Governors need to judge and convict those Supreme Court Justices, who have taken it upon themselves to enact law, without constitutional authority. It is time to hold a US Governor’s  convention   and bring the High Court to order. The States need to act on this matter in accordance with amendment 10.  Now wake up fellow Christians and recall those justices that judge unrighteously.  They need to be held accountable.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Make Peace Prevail Please!

Long live the King!
Words of Moses, By Flavius Josephus
17. “Aristocracy, and the way of living under it, is the best constitution: and may you never have any inclination to any other form of government; and may you always love that form, and have the laws for your governors, and govern all your actions according to them; for you need no supreme governor but God. But if you shall desire a king let him be one of your own nation; let him always be careful of justice and other virtues perpetually; let him admit to laws, and esteem God’s commands to be his highest wisdom; but let him do nothing without the high priest and the votes of the senators; let him not have a great number of wives, nor pursue after abundance of riches, nor a multitude of horses, whereby he may grow too proud to submit to laws. And if he affect any such things, let him be restrained, lest he become so potent that his state be inconsistent with your welfare.
18. Let it not be esteemed lawful to remove boundaries, neither our own nor of those with whom we are at peace. Have a care that you do not take those landmarks away which are, as it were, a divine and unshaken limitation of rights made by God himself, to last forever; since this going beyond limits and gaining ground upon others, is the occasion of wars and seditions; for those that remove boundaries are not far off an attempt to subvert the laws.”

Well done UK, Henry VIII set up the Church of England and left that damned monogamous Church of Rome. He did well. However, he didn’t fully understand the laws of Moses and thought he could only have one wife at a time. Quite understandable, he had grown up and been indoctrinated with Roman Catholic theology and Canon law. I would that he had read the History of the Jews by Flavius Josephus, a Jew himself who became a Roman General.  So one after another, the poor girls got killed, when he could have had several wives instead of just one.  RC rubbish promulgated as divine doctrine. Very Sad indeed.  But oh no, they won't accept responsibility for their stupid doctrine, which they insist has God's approval. They are well aware of how God blessed Moses, Abraham, Isaac, David, Solomon and many others, many of whom not only had many wives, but mmany concubines too. Yet they teach Monogamy as a doctrine, despite God's command to go forth, Increase, and multiply.  Though man may have the seed of his kind, only the woman can produce the fruit of the womb, the children of God, our heavenly Father.  

Well Done UK, You restrained your Royalty and had the king sign the Magna Karta at Runnymede. Thereafter Royalty in thhe UK has acknowledged the rule of law.

Well done UK, You gave back India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.
Well done UK, You exited from the USA and left it alone to flourish.  It and the others have been of great help to you during the 1914-1918 and 1939-1945 European wars.

Now UK; Since Gibraltar belongs to Spain. Please, Give it back!
Now UK; Likewise, Northern Ireland belongs to Ireland. Please, Give it back!
Avoid continued conflict and establish good relations with the People of Ireland.

Let all countries please note: Gaza was the original home of the Philistines; which was called Palestine even before Israel occupied Canaan under Joshua.                    So Please, give it back to them. 

Build them new homes in Gaza and give them help in moving back there out of the West Bank area.  Let them there become a Sovereign Independent nation. Money which is being spent on war could be diverted to perform this task.