Friday, January 12, 2018

Why Choose Freedom?

Yes, God gave us Our Agency.  Our Independence and Freedom to choose.  He holds us all Accountable for our choices and will bless us meritoriously as we obey his directions. 

His son Lucifer however, wanted Socialism and no Accountability. Under His plan all would be saved without merit.
Freedom itself is not free! It has a high cost. Are you willing to pay that cost, if you desire it?

Jesus Said; “I have come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10)

Yet Lucifer, God’s rebellious son, would destroy, thieve and take away all you have or might obtain. (John 10:10)

Jesus invited us: “Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men”. (Matt 4:9)  So whom do we follow?  Lord Lucifer, who tempts us, to lead us astray, or Jesus who blesses us with abundance and health?  While Satan destroys both our wealth and our health.

God has given us Freedom of Choice and thus only invites and advises, by his commands.

Satan too, can only tempt us, via our desires, to which he gains access through our minds. Desire is the very basic fundamental  basis of prayer. In fact it could be said: Prayer is the heart's sincere desire, uttered or unexpressed.  Satan knows that: “Man is that he might have joy”, (2 Nephi 2:25)   so he offers us, different forms of temporary pleasure, to take and thieve our Joy, and thus defeat God’s plan for man.  Satan does not want you to enjoy God’s freedom or abundance, neither on this earth nor in heaven.  

And thus the conflict began.

Since wickedness never promotes rational thought and no mutual agreement could ever be reached between such warring parties, the war, though in heaven, was indeed woefully uncivil. 

God who simply understood; two cannot walk as one unless they are agreed.  Divesture, Divorce, Departure, down to hell became God's Gift to all who rebel.

So, where goes' thou?   
Who is on the Lord's side?  Who?

Satan and his many various churches, Preach Pious Poverty and promise: There is Pie in the Sky when you Die, oh Yea! Lucifer lies that here, to be holy and virtuous, God wants you to practice poverty,  that you should have nothing to do with such filthy lucre, that money itself is the root of all evil.  Satan has been a  thief and a liar from the very beginning.

Please go back again and read John 10:10.  Did Jesus say: “I have
come that you might have life and have it more abundantly?  

Did he forget to add the words: There is pie in the sky when you

die?  No, not likely, that is a Lord Lucifer quirk. That thief is at his

old tricks again . He’s been a liar from the very beginning. Have

you fallen for that quirk or rid yourself of that jerk?

God's blessings are available now, here upon this earth to all who honor and obey him.  Remember Abraham, Job, David and Solomon. Did not God bless them all with great abundance? 

Yet God allowed Abraham and Job to be tempted and tried. You too must endure temptation upon this earth, to have the opportunity to grow in knowledge of good and evil and prove by your wisdom that you are willing to repent of your errors and are worthy to return and live again with your heavenly Father.  Remember the words of His Son; If you love me you will keep my commandments.  So; Choose you this day whom you shall serve.

By the cruel death which he suffered for all of us he has made it possible for us to come upon this earth, learn from our stupid errors, repent and return to him and dwell in his Father's home. There, to enjoy Eternal living, with our eternal wives and children as opposed to just being cast out into outer darkness while being granted immortality.

There is NO Life without a wife, nor an Eternal life without an Eternal wife.  Neither is the man without the woman, nor the woman without the man in the Lord. So go get your act together.