Sunday, April 22, 2018

What Are We?

So What Are We? A Democracy?

A Democratic Dictatorship?

Or A Constitutional Republic?

The United States is a Constitutional Republic.

In a Constitutional Republic - the rights of the individual are protected by a Constitution, which enumerates agreed limits, placed upon the Federal Government itself and upon the majority, which hinders and impedes them from violating the rights and property of each individual.

We are not a simple Democracy. A Democracy, allows the majority, if they want to come take away your house or your car. to do so, all they have to do is vote away your individual rights and government can seize them at gunpoint. Remember Communism (International Socialism), NAZI (National Socialism), Fascism (Italian Socialism), and our own Democratic U.S. Socialism at WACO Texas, the Ted Bundy ranch fiasco, and other places.

It's important to understand this process, because it is clear that a plurality of Americans, Republicans (who should know better) and Democrats (who historically reject individual responsibility for the security of a Socialist state) both appear determined to elect politicians who neither understand nor respect the rule of Constitutional law, nor Freedom and the Liberty it protects.

Our liberty and freedom are not under threat from an outside force invading our shores,  but rather from an abysmal lack of familiarity with it's most basic precepts, by a growing population from within the nation itself, who would gladly vote it away, as a consequence of some human rights demand or some perceived form of anger, which excites entitlement demand.

As Justice Antonin Scalia once noted: (Paraphrasing) Rights and Freedoms are not material things, i.e.  "services", or "income subsidies" that government takes from your fellow tax payers and gives to you. Rather they are areas of your life and daily activities over which government has no authority or jurisdiction. It's critical that we as Americans understand the distinction, and profoundly sad to see how many people fail to do so.  "For lack of knowledge, the people perish".

And there are wolves aplenty, waiting at the door, who smell that liberty hemorrhaging away; as we elect, leaders who would eviscerate the rights and freedoms enumerated in our Constitution.
Our 1st and 2nd Amendments are now, constantly under attack.  If our liberty dies, it will not be at the hands of a foreign invader - it will be because “We the People” vote its death upon ourselves.

Therefore Awake, Arise, Remain Alert and willing to Defend the  Blessings, with which we have been endowed,  Our, Founding Father’s Freedoms, all clearly enshrined within the Constitution, and Ratified by our Union.

Monday, April 2, 2018

What is Success? What is Failure? Which have you achieved?

What is Success? What is Failure? Which have you Achieved?

Do you know that: Einstein was four, before he could speak and seven before he could read.
When Thomas Edison was a boy, his teachers told him he was too stupid to learn anything.

A newspaper editor fired Walt Disney because he had “no good ideas.”
John F Kennedy was defeated for president of his freshman class in college.

Abraham Lincoln was defeated for office 9 times out of 11 tries.
Sir Winston Churchill failed the sixth grade.

Beethoven’s music teacher once said of him, “As a composer, he is hopeless.”
Bobby Kennedy flunked the third grade.

Babe Ruth struck outs almost twice as many times as home runs – 1,300 outs, 714 home runs.
One of the richest, most successful men in the world, Bill Gates of Microsoft fame, is a college drop out.

So did you drop out of college? How many grades did you flunk?   Did some teacher ever call you hopeless or stupid? How many times have you tried to achieve success, 1,300, just 11, 1 or none? 
Could you yourself stand forth and lead your little island of less than 60 million people, all cowering in fear before the world’s mightiest, best prepared and very well equipped army on your very doorstep, and inspire them to fight back, against the world’s greatest tyrant, with the words; ”We Shall Never Surrender!”  He organized and defended the freedom of the whole western world. 

How have you used your teacher’s gift of reading? On comics? On cartoons? Go read: “There is a better way to live” by Og Mandino or “Household Gold” by Steve Price.  If you desire a taste of the classics; try Homer or Shakespeare.  Have you read: “Without a vision, (dream or goal) the people perish?  Proverbs 29:18
You may see things and say, why? But I dream things that never were, and say: “Why Not?”  (George Bernard Shaw).

So to make your dreams work for you, don’t just wait around for success---go out and find it!
Aim high. It’s a peculiar thing that no more effort is required to aim high, to demand prosperity and abundance, than is required to accept misery and poverty. Neither is it wrong to expect to be blessed with abundance, health and wealth, here on this earth. The very son of God said; “I have come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly” John 10:10.

Set high goals for yourself and have a burning desire to achieve them.  Memorize the formula: What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve, with a Positive Mental Attitude. According unto thy faith be it unto thee. But if you think you can’t, you are indeed right. You cannot.
To become an achiever in any human activity, it takes practice---practice---practice---with a positive Mental Attitude!   You must think and believe that you can.

If you keep your conscious mind focused on what you want, your subconscious mind will unerringly guide you to it.
By sowing an action, you reap a habit, sowing a habit and you reap a character, sowing a character and you reap your destiny.  You will then have achieved success!

Make not the total accumulation of Dollars your destiny, your dream or your goal. As you serve your fellow man, you are only in the service of your God, who full well knoweth that you have need of all these things to do his work. The Dollars/Pounds/Euros & Yen will all come as needed. So seek you first the kingdom of God and whereof his glory and all these things shall be added onto you.  Go do His work and he will bless you. Put your shoulder to the wheel, and push along.  Sing: We are all enlisted till the journey is o're, Happy are we!  Happy are we! And so shall it be.